Netflix Tease Beyoncé Documentary 'Homecoming' Without Having To Use Her Name Or Image

8 April 2019, 10:15

Beyoncé pretty much definitely has a Netflix documentary on the way with the cryptic teaser that has sent fans wild with excitement for new Queen B content.

Netflix has officially teased what people suspect is Beyoncé's upcoming documentary Homecoming which is said to follow her journey to Coachella and rare behind the scenes footage of the singer and needless to say, people are pretty excited.

A Beyoncé Netflix Documentary & Greatest Hits Album Is Apparently On The Way

Netflix tease 'Homecoming' which fans think is the new Beyoncé documentary. Picture: Netflix

The teaser features a yellow background, Bey's trademark colour, and the same font of writing that she wore for her infamous 2018 Coachella performance.

No direct confirmation has been made about it being to do with Queen B, but there don't need to be any more clues, with one Twitter user writing:

"Netflix deadass tweeted a plain image with the word Homecoming on it and everyone still knows exactly who it's about. Her MIND."

An advert in Times Square has also been spotted, with the colour alternating between yellow and pink, the two colour themes of her Coachella set, which pretty much confirms it all.

The documentary is dropping on April 17th and eagle eyed fans have spotted her official website now also has a 'homecoming' section on it.

Along with the documentary, Bey is said to be releasing an album full of her greatest hits, with a 'couple' of new tracks added into it, which we know are all going to be bangers.

However, some fans are scared that a greatest hits style album may spell the end of Beyoncé's music making career, but somehow, we don't think that will be the case!

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