Selena Gomez Is Older Than Post Malone & The Internet Can't Deal

25 September 2018, 15:36

Post Malone is younger than Selena Gomez... yes, really. Picture: Instagram

After discovering Cardi B and Ariana Grande were the same age, the latest shocker is that Selena is actually older than Post Malone!

The internet was just about recovering from the groundbreaking news that Cardi B and Ariana Grande are actually the same age when there was another bombshell to be discovered... Selena Gomez is in fact OLDER than Post Malone.

Ariana Grande And Cardi B Are THE SAME AGE And Nobody Can Believe It’s True

Yep, although you might think it were the other way around, or at the very least that Postie and Selena were the same age, she is actually three years older than him.

Yep, at the moment, Selena is 26-years-old while Post is a proper spring chicken at just 23. Mind = blown.

It's safe to say the whole of Twitter was just as baffled and didn't hold back on revealing it:

Next you'll be telling us Justin Bieber is also older than Post.... oh wait, never mind.

QUIZ: Can You Guess If Your Fave Stars Are Older Or Younger Than Post Malone?