WATCH: We Put Jonas Blue To The Test With Ibiza 'Shocktails' & Warning... It Was Gross

17 August 2019, 9:59

Jonas Blue get put through his paces with Ibiza Shocktails. Picture: Global

Jonas Blue dropped by in Ibiza with Roman, Vick & Sonny and they treated him to a game of Ibiza Shocktails and we're NGL, it was kind of gross.

Jonas Blue is living his best Ibiza life, DJ'ing in iconic clubs, celebrating his 30th birthday, and stopping by Cafe Mambo to chat with the breakfast team and embark in a game of Shocktails and we're going to be completely honest, it was kind of gross.

LISTEN: Jonas Blue Nearly Chucks Up Over Dodgy Cocktails In New Roman Kemp Podcast

The 'Ritual' DJ rocked up to our breakfast show live from Ibiza, and to thank him for getting out of bed so early, we decided to provide him with a full English (warm, and all), churned up in a blender to drink if he couldn't answer some tricky questions we put to him.

We didn't go easy on him, asking the superstar DJ how much money, to the nearest pound, he made last year, or experience the wrath of a blended full English, which we're afraid he did decide to drink down....

Now, we don't know if Jonas has actually coined a DJ catch phrase as of yet, but if he did, we think an authentic one would be 'I feel sick', doesn't it have a ring to it?!

"I just hate the smell of cheese..." is exactly the way we wanted to see in our 30th birthday as well, Jonas!

We don't entirely expect to be seeing the Ibiza legend again anytime soon.

Jonas Blue plays Shocktails in Ibiza. Picture: Global

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