Niall Horan On Living With One Direction & His First Experience Of Fan Hysteria

24 March 2021, 10:36

Niall Horan talks about living with One Direction. Picture: Getty Images/ Audible UK Youtube

Niall Horan has discussed living with the One Direction boys in London and the first time he realised the band was truly a global phenomenon on Dermot O'Leary's podcast.

Niall Horan has spoken about realising One Direction had hit the big time when experiencing fan hysteria for the first time, while chatting to his pal, Dermot O'Leary on his People, Just People podcast.

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When Dermot- who has known the boys since the very start as he hosted The X Factor for years- asked if it was 'mayhem' from the get-go, 27-year-old Niall opened up about the realisation the band were a much bigger deal than he thought.

Niall said: "Around the release of What Makes You Beautiful was when it really kicked off.. we did a HMV run around the UK which is when I first saw the madness."

He said the boys then went on a whistle stop promo tour in Europe, which is when he first experienced 'proper hysteria' outside of 'The X Factor bubble'.

Niall said when they were in Milan he thought: "This is a different level now... we were in the city centre and there were just thousands."

"That was the first time thinking 'right, this is it now'".

When asked if he had ever felt like a prisoner, Niall said, "Yeah a couple of times".

He recounted both he and the boys didn't realise the extent of their fanbase, planning to go for strolls in the different areas they visited only to find 'tens of thousands' of fans camped outside their hotels, preventing them from going anywhere.

Elsewhere in the chat, the 'No Judgement' singer spoke to the former The X Factor host about the band's beginnings and how they all moved into an apartment complex in London.

Niall said: "We moved into a place in Finchley, like an apartment complex."

"We split off and I lived on my own, Zayn lived on his own, Liam lived on his own."

"Harry and Louis had a bigger place and they shared that and we were all in this complex."

Niall and all the boys have all since gone onto carve out solo careers and find a little more peace with their careers from the intensity of the 1D hysteria- but it has given them memories they will never forget!

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