Umbrella Academy season 3 confirmed by Netflix

10 November 2020, 16:27 | Updated: 10 November 2020, 16:59

By Katie Louise Smith

When will Umbrella Academy season 3 be released? The third season will start production in February 2021 but don't expect it for a while yet.

At last, it's been confirmed: The Umbrella Academy season 3 has been renewed at Netflix.

Production on the new season will begin in February 2021 and all the Hargreeves siblings are expected to be back – as well as Justin H. Min, who will be taking on a new role, and Ritu Arya, who will be returning as Lila Pitts. There'll be 10 episodes in season 3.

The Umbrella Academy season 3 is expected to follow the Hargreeves siblings as they end up in a new timeline and discover the existence of the Sparrow Academy. Season 3 is expected to be loosely based on Vol 4 of the Umbrella Academy comics, written by Gerard Way.

READ MORE: Klaus' Umbrella Academy comic storyline has a plot twist that isn't in the show

What will happen in The Umbrella Academy season 3?

At the end of season 3, the Hargreeves siblings manage to save the world and avoid an apocalypse by jumping into a new timeline. They arrive a day after the original apocalypse to find the academy still standing.

However, they soon notice that everything actually has changed. A new academy called The Sparrow Academy is now in their place, and it seems like the Umbrella Academy never even existed in the new timeline.

Season 2 left fans with plenty of unanswered questions, including one about the mystery behind the floating green cube, and whether or not Harlan has anything to do with the new academy.

When will The Umbrella Academy season 3 be released?

Usually, one season of TUA takes just over a year to make. If production begins in February 2021, it's possible that we could have season 2 on our screens by early 2022... providing production doesn't get shut down over coronavirus concerns.

Time to start theorising!